Smart Home Water Usage

water meter

Most UK homes have a water meter and in some cases it might also be smart, to allow your water provider to make remote meter readings. Where a smart water meter is fitted, the provider may also provide access to usage stats via their website or an app. Some even provide an API to allow access to usage data.

flow sensor

Having real-time access to usage data can be really useful in the smart home, especially when it has whole home context and knows things like whether you have gone on holiday or not. It can be a really good ideal to fit your own smart water meter or flow sensor to monitor house usage and garden usage and to not have any cloud dependencies. This then allows your smart home to take action if unexpected usage or leaks are detected, using a shut-off valve. This can prevent extensive damage to you home and prevent huge water bills caused by leaks.

Smart Water Meters

There are many smart water meters available and you need to choose one that works with your chosen Home Control System and integrates well to allow usage monitoring and appropriate action. Our contextual smart home has all of the information and context to make intelligent decisions and take the right actions. This includes making voice announcements and sending notifications when required.

Further Reading