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About Smartisant - Intelligent assisted living for all.
Contact Smartisant - Contact us at Smartisant.
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Smartisant Ltd - Smartisant = Intelligent assisted living for all
Smartisant Website Privacy Policy - Our website privacy policy.
Technical Support - How to get technical support for our products and services.
Support Smartisant - Support our on-going research and mission to improve quality of life for all.
        Smartisant Events & Publications - Smartisant events, press articles and publications
        Smartisant Products - The current Smartisant product range.
                Smartisant Voltage Divider DIV1 - The Smartisant voltage divider PCB.
                Smartisant Flood & Leak Sensor (FLD1) Application Notes - The Smartisant flood and leak sensor application notes and examples.
                Smartisant Flood & Leak Sensor - The Smartisant flood and leak sensor.
                Smartisant Arduino Header HEAD1 - The Smartisant Arduino Mega 2560 Header.
                Smartisant 8-Channel IO Board IO1 - The Smartisant 8-Channel IO Board for 5V dc sensors and devices.
                Smartisant 8-Channel IO Board IO8CH1 - The Smartisant 8-Channel IO Board.
                Smartisant 8-Channel Fused Input Board IP1 - The Smartisant 8-Channel optically isolated input board with fuses.
                Smartisant 8-Channel Input Board IP2 - The Smartisant 8-Channel optically isolated input board.
                Smartisant Output Board OP1 Application Notes - The single channel Smartisant Output Board OP1 and some example applications in the smart home.
                Smartisant Output Board OP1 - The Smartisant optically isolated, single channel, high power output board.
                Smartisant 8-Channel Output Board OP2 - The Smartisant 8-channel output board.
                Smartisant 8-Channel Output Board OP3 - The Smartisant 8-channel high-side switching output board.
                Smartisant Output Tester OPTEST1 - The Smartisant Arduino output tester.
                Smartisant Arduino Shield SHLD1 Application Notes - The Smartisant Arduino Shield SHLD1 and example applications in the smart home.
                Smartisant Arduino Shield SHLD1 - The Smartisant Arduino smart home shield.
                Smartisant Soil Moisture Sensor (SML1) Application Notes - The Smartisant soil moisture sensor application notes and examples.
                Smartisant Soil Moisture Level Sensor - The Smartisant soil moisture level sensor.
        Smartisant Store - Welcome to the Smartisant store.
        Technology Abstraction - What do we mean by technology abstraction in the smart home?
        Technology Agnostic - What 'technology agnostic' means in the smart home.
        Application Programmers Interface (API) - Smart home APIs explained.
        Assisted Living - Our definition of assisted living.
        Common Capabilities - Our definition of smart home common capabilities and some examples.
        Effects - Smart home effects explained.
        Events - Smart home events explained.
        Future Proof - What 'future proof' means for the smart home.
        Hybrid Technology - An explanation of what we mean by a hybrid technology smart home and why we are using it.
        Smart Home Terminology - Some of the commonly used smart home terminology explained.
        Mission Critical - Smart home mission critical services and features.
        Smart Home Models - Contextual smart home models explained.
        Natural Language Processing (NLP) - Smart home natural language processing explained.
        Smart Home Scenes Explained - Smart home scenes explained and some examples from our own contextual smart home.
        Unified Communications Protocol - Unified communication protocol in the smart home.
        Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) - Smart home Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) explained.
        Virtual Object - What a 'virtual object' means in our smart home.
        Whole Home Context - Smart home whole home context explained.